Ved en høytidelighet i skolegården med alle skolelever i 1.-7. klasse til stede fikk Majorstuen skole i dag overlevert adopsjonsbrev fra Oslo Elveforum. Majorstuen skole har adoptert en del av Frognerelven.
Brief directing has developed as an advancement in the field of school guiding. This examination analyzed the elements that advance and obstruct the selection of such development. Everett Rogers’ dispersion of advancement model gave the system to the overview inspecting instructors’ learning, application abilities, and real utilization of brief directing. The examination explored how guides’ status to receive development, the attributes of brief directing, and the advocates’ informal communities and exercises impacted the appropriation of brief advising. Suggestions for the expert advancement and proceeding with instruction of expert school guides are talked about.
Regardless of the assortment of expert advancement sources and openings,
visit as their written guides differ broadly in introduction to creative thoughts and their eagerness to embrace them. Examination of national statistics information demonstrates that solitary 8% of expert advisors in the nation hold participation in the American Counseling Association and 11% of experts recognized as school instructors by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are individuals from the American School Counselor Association. Despite the fact that Bauman found that participation rates in her example were higher than these rates, 27% of the example in her investigation showed no expert enrollment by any means. This level of association in expert associations brings up issues with respect to access to data and preparing with respect to imaginative school directing practice. What do we think about adoption of developments? An ongoing pilot examine by Poynton, Schumacher, and Wiiczenski (2008) found that school advocates will in general look for proficient improvement exercises and to embrace new developments, for example, state models, if the advancement directly affects everyday work and if its effect can be estimated.
På bildet over ser vi fra venstre Marianne Stenberg, rektor ved Majorstuen skole, Trine Johnsen, styremedlem i Oslo Elveforum, og Marianne Borgen, Oslos ordfører. Foto: Rusken / BYM.
De siste ni årene har Oslo Elveforum bidratt til at 57 skoler har adoptert en elve- eller bekkestrekning (eller et vannmiljø). Skolene forplikter seg til å:
– oppleve og bli kjent med natur- og kulturverdiene
– ta hensyn til planter, dyr og kulturminner
– melde fra om ulovlig forurensning og holde vann og strandkanter fri for søppel.
Adopsjons-skolene skal være aktive, og adopsjons-ordningen skal være forpliktende.

Dette innlegget ble publisert i
Elveadopsjon. Bokmerk